Nelly Milena Cubides Martínez, Lawyer
Lawyer, specialized in environmental law. She has experience in the public sector as attorney in the Presidency of the Republic and in the Ministry of Environment. In her experience in the private sector, she has developed legal strategies to advice in litigation and compliance matters for the agroindustry, infrastructure, food and beverages, and construction sectors, among others.
Formal studies
- Specialization in Environmental Law: Universidad Colegio Mayor Nuestra Señora del Rosario.
- Lawyer: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá.
Practice areas
- Litigation and enforcement actions
- Environmental law
- Compliance.
Profesional experience
- Macías Gómez & Asociados Abogados S.A.S, Lawyer.
- Presidencia de la República Presidency, Lawyer on Legal Secretary Division.
- Presidencia de la República Presidency, Ad-Honorem on Legal Secretary Division.
- Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial Environmental State Agency, Ad-Honorem, Legal Counseling Office.
- English.